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Tumbled stones

£3.00 inc VAT

Used as a stone of protection also carries healing properties, including pain relief for headaches/migraines and enhanced healing of traumatic injuries.

£3.50 inc VAT

Helps to speak ones truth with clarity, making it a great stone for public speakers and performers.

£4.00 inc VAT

Said to improve eyesight and protect against strokes.

£4.00 inc VAT

Keep under pillow to ward off bad dreams. Protects wearer against any accidents & ensures safe travels.

£2.50 inc VAT

Brings success in all business matters.

£2.00 inc VAT

Considered the health, wealth and longevity stone.

£3.00 inc VAT

Opalite is a wonderfully serene crystal. It is a stone of love, but only rewards faithful lovers. It is said to help form lasting romantic bonds. Opalite is believed to alleviate depression, soothe frayed nerves and help us to step…

£3.00 inc VAT

For stimulating the third eye to induce channelling and visions.

£3.00 inc VAT

Helps you realise your potential, more confident around others and strengthens memory.

£3.00 inc VAT

Shielding stone to wear or carry as an amulet to deflect danger.

£2.00 inc VAT

Used to calm emotions and help recall dreams to work out what they mean.

£3.00 inc VAT

To help bring emotional healing and release blocked energy from within the heart.

£3.00 inc VAT

Used for attracting friendship or love.

£14.00 inc VAT

1 x Sapphire Tumbled Stone Believed to bring protection, good fortune and spiritual insight. A symbol of power and strength.

£4.00 inc VAT

Reputed to help with loss of fertility, also good for skin.

£4.00 inc VAT

Shungite is sometimes called the "Stone of Life" due to it's healing and antibacterial properties. Many people use shungite to create a healing spa in the home by placing it in some water to purify and charge the water with…

£2.00 inc VAT

Protection stone that cleanses and clears negative energy. Raises vibrations when used during meditation.

£2.50 inc VAT

Calms and soothes which allows the wearer to view unhealthy patterns in behaviour to open the door to change.

£2.50 inc VAT

Brings inner peace. Takes out any mental confusion.

£3.00 inc VAT

Used to attract prosperity, wealth and success.

£2.00 inc VAT

Soothing stone to bring energy where needed. Used for healing.

£3.00 inc VAT

Strength, protection from harm, psychic sensitivity & connection to the spiritual world.

£3.00 inc VAT

Unakite Jasper brings together the abundant, nurturing energy of green with the soft, caring passion of pink in one of Nature's most healing crystals of the heart and mind. It resonates with the frequency of love, compassion and kindness, and…