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Spiritual Oils

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When you need a special favour or a wish to come true, quickly, rub Lucky Mojo Oil on your temples and wrists.

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Lucky Prophet Oil is a formula which can activate inborn clairvoyant powers so that this gift can be developed to one's full potential.

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Wear Magnet Oil to magnetise others toward you. Dress lodestones with it or anoint John the Conqueror Roots to draw business and good luck.

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For those who are trying to convince a lover to tie the nuptial knot, place Marriage Oil on the loved one. Their thoughts will be of no one else until the union is made binding.

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Master Oil is one of the most powerful spiritual oils. Put five drops in your bath water to keep away evil. Sprinkled on the body it is believed to attract friends. When looking for work rub on your palms.

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Believed to improve the mental processes helping students pass a test aiding in the remembering of names numbers and assisting in locating lost articles. Anoint the forehead and temples once every hour until the objective is accomplished.

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Use this magical oil, Mile and Distance Oil, to keep your enemies far away from you.

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Rub on the inside of your wallet each day and anoint the four corners of all bills in one's possession once a week.

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Bless your home with Money House Blessing Oil. Anoint a blue candle with the Oil daily.

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Use oil to make money rain down on you. Anoint your amulets or wallet with a couple drops of Money Rain Oil.

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Use Money Release Oil to get back money owed to you from stubborn people.

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Wear Most Powerful Oil to give you confidence, power and control of your life.

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Use mother of charity oil when you have financial problems. Mother of Charity Oil is known to draw money your way when in need.

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Thanks to the combinations of essences Mr. Money Oil is the most effective in acquiring the material happiness that you want. Let Mr. Money help you obtain the money you need. Anoint your wallet daily with the oil.

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Use Mummy Oil to catch a spirit and hold it captive so that it (the spirit of the person who is affecting you) cannot harm you or your property.

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Protect yourself from law enforcement by wearing No Arrest Oil.

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Oil of Fire has been known to remove spirits, demons and evil influences from your surroundings. For external use only.

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Olibanum is a holy oil believed to be a powerful protection against black magic. Use to dress candles and burn them in the home to keep evil from the premises.

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Oshun Oil is made for people who want to draw in the energy of Oshun, the Yoruban Goddess. If you are familiar with the African Orishas, Oshun is the Goddess of Love and she is known for bringing peace, new…

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Bring attraction, love and affection into your life with Otto of Rose Oil.

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Passion Oil is one of the most potent of the love oils- it is said to work when others have been unsuccessful. The coldest of lovers often turns into the most amorous suitors when this is applied to the arms…

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Use Pay Me Oil to collect your money and get paid by those who owe you. Unblocks your money fast!

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Apply Peace Oil to your person or sprinkle about the home to bring quiet and tranquility into your life.

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Use Peaceful Home Oil in the home when there is always fighting and arguing going on. The oil will clear the home of all bad vibrations.