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Moses Seals

Seals are ancient in origin and universal in scope. To use seals in connection with candles is the most convenient way to employ their mystical powers.
You can place seals beneath a chosen candle for added power.

Seals are printed on White Parchment Paper in Dragon's Blood Ink.

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Carried to insure or restore one’s good health, to strengthen faith, and to influence those one meets toward the possessor of this talisman.

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To receive information or guidance through dreams or visions, sleep with this talisman under the pillow.

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Protects from misfortune and misery, and assures one of a lengthy life.

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Carry this talisman to assure one of being much loved and admired. It is treasured by those who wish to gain and hold affections of another.

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This Serpent Seal is designed to bring magical assistance toward attaining one’s wishes, desires, needs or requests.

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For fascinating and bewitching others so that all secret knowledge can be obtained from them without them suspecting any sorcery on the part of the possessor.

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An aid in holding marriages and friendships together in the event of quarrels between the parties involved, or where there are disturbing influences from outsiders

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For overcoming, conquering, and controlling one’s enemies. It also guards on against the plots of others.

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Also known as the Seal of Special Attraction. This is designed to captivate and control all those whom the possessor may encounter.

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Brings wealth, knowledge of alchemy and of chemistry, and can draw treasure from beneath the earth.

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Or also called Seal of General Citation. This seal is carried by those who wish to have their wishes fulfilled, and to attract honours and respect from others

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For victory in legal & court cases & for settling disputes of all kinds. This seal is sometimes called the Seal of Mystical Assistance.

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Doctor Oriental- Used for medical assistance and to maintain a healthy body and a clear mind.

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Called also the Seal of Spiritual Good Luck. This design is believed to attract favourable planetary vibrations when one is gambling or indulging in any game of chance.

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To compel spirits to appear and serve one’s needs, this design is said to be of great value in bringing quick service and help in all things

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Known also as the SEAL of Honour and Wealth. This talisman is carried to attract plentiful gold, silver, and other of life’s good blessings.

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When buried in the earth near where any treasures exist, they will allegedly come to the surface of themselves. The talisman can also be used in the home to help locate lost articles.

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Reputedly brings peace and serenity to the place where this is kept, or to the person who carries it.

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This design is used for finding any lost or stolen possessions.

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Also called Seal of Great Fortune. This seal is useful in revealing treasure below the earth such as buried gold or silver, or under the water in sunken ships.

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Bearing the initial of the Latin version of the inscription written by Pilate and placed on the cross. “I. N. R. I.” – Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews- this design reputedly brings the owner God’s richest blessings.

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Also known as the Seal of Secrets. One places this talisman beneath the pillow to learn secrets through dreams, and to prevent others from learning of private confidential matters.

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Compels others to do the possessor’s bidding, and commands lost treasures from land or sea.

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For protection from all harm.

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Symbol of mighty power, strength and dominance.

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For divine guidance, wisdom, protection and understanding.

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Protects from black magic, gives freedom from fear, along with a clear mind and good judgement in all matters.

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Symbol of health, good fortune and success in all one’s undertaking

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Alleged to bring vengeance on one’s enemies, assist in contact with departed souls.

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For great success in finances and in business. Attracts customers and money.

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Great mystical powers are said to come to those who carry this. It is a highly religious talisman, bringing to the processor divine guidance when needed.

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Popular with those seeking work, it is believed to bring one, the necessities of life.

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Confers great wealth, honours, and also promotes good health, both mental and physical.

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Said to offer protection from sudden or violent death.

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For achieving great power over others, and attract friendship.

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Designed to compel treasures to come from the earth, and to coerce others to obey the possessor’s wishes and commands.

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Makes one master of all arts and secret knowledge so that others can be dominated by the possessor without knowledge of the influence being exerted upon them. Place beneath an Orange Candle and focus on your desires.

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Called the Seal of Spiritual Assistance, this brings support and help from friendly gods.

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This is favoured by those who seek influence, popularity, power and dominance in any field.

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The highest talisman of good fortune, bringing great success in business and many blessings in one’s personal and family life.

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The candelabra Seal for gaining one’s desires through prayers and candle rituals.

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To achieve success in games of chance, this can be anointed just before playing and secreted in one’s sleeves or pocket.

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Designed to attract wealth, honour, and promotions or advancement in ones work.

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For divine protection, conquering any or all obstacles, and achieving victory in one’s pursuits.